Saturday, June 30, 2012

DEVILDRIVER Announce NEW Label Home - Statement From Dez Fafara Available!

As previously reported, DevilDriver parted ways with Roadrunner Records earlier this year. While the band had plenty of offers on the table, DevilDriver's frontman Dez Fafara has announced that his bands NEW label home is Australia's Napalm Records! Other artists that are part of Napalm's roster are Tÿr, Korpiklaani and Huntress. The band is currently working on the follow up for 'Beast', which was released in February of 2011 via Roadrunner Records. Here is a statement from Dez Fafara:

“I am proud to announce DevilDriver’s NEW partnership with Napalm Records! They have the passion and the drive we as a band were looking for! I’m looking forward to working together on DevilDriver‘s next release! Hail the groove!”

Markus Riedler (Napalm Records CEO) commented the following:

“We are extremely excited to have this outstanding band on our label roster. DevilDriver are a true Metal monster full of primal energy and more than ready to conquer the world with their upcoming album that will be released in the fall of 2013. Join the Metal brotherhood and get ready for the world’s largest circle pit!”

Related links:
Follow Dez Fafara on Twitter

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