Thursday, July 5, 2012

CHILDREN OF BODOM Forced To Cancel Appearance At RUISROCK Fest Due To Alexi Laiho's "Serious Infection" - Official Statement Available!

As previously reported, Alexi Laiho was rushed to the Oslo hospital on the evening of Tuesday, July 3rd with extreme stomach pain. The doctors in the emergency unit checked him and made it clear that he will not be able to perform until further notice.

As a result, Children Of Bodom has been forced to cancel their appearance at the Ruisrock festival. The band comments:
“This is not an easy letter for us to write. Alexi is suffering from a serious infection. He is still in hospital in Oslo under supervision of the doctors and we don’t know yet when they will release him.

"We have no choice other than canceling Ruisrock in Turku on Saturday as well. This is a very bitter pill for us to swallow. We had decided to do only two festivals in our homeland this summer to make it real special, and now this.

"We hope that we will be able to make up for this very soon. To all our fans who had been looking forward to rock with us at Ruisrock this weekend, take our apologies and enjoy the festival. In our spirits, we will be there, too.”
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