Sunday, July 1, 2012

Alleged Video Of Randy Blythe's "Attack" To Czech Fan Has Been Released! #BullshitEvidence

Slow-motion video footage of LAMB OF GOD's Randy Blythe "attacking" David L can be seen below. The incident which resulted in the death of the LAMB OF GOD fan in a concert in the Czech Republic more than two years ago has Randy Blythe in the hands of the the Czech Republic's justice system. The clip was originally aired yesterday (Saturday, June 30) as part of a TV report from Czech Republic's TV Nova.

**IMPORTANT**: It should be noted that the TV Nova report did not claim that this was, in fact, footage of actual stage jump that that led to the person's death. The performance clip was only included in the report to illustrate the behavior of Blythe and the fans during the concert.

As previously reported, 4 of 5 members of LAMB OF GOD — everyone except singer Randy Blythe — returned home to Richmond, Virginia, less than four days after Blythe was taken into custody in Prague.

Randy Blythe was arrested Wednesday (June 27) at the Prague airport on manslaughter charges, was reportedly released on a 4 million Czech Koruna bail (approximately $200,000 — an amount which, according to the site, Randy claimed was the equivalent of his annual income). Since most banks are closed this weekend, Blythe will be allowed to pay off his bail on Monday (July 2). The singer, who did not speak at his hearing and was "timid as a lamb", was considered a flight risk by the judge.

Blythe, 41, who was represented by two lawyers in court, is accused of causing the fatal injury that occurred at LAMB OF GOD's May 24, 2010 show in Prague. The singer apparently either pushed or struck a 19-year-old fan named Daniel who had come on stage, and that person died 14 days later of bleeding in the brain.

According to WTVR-TV, another Czech online news site,, has published statements from a witness — a friend of the victim — who said the fan wasn't using drugs or alcohol and fell back directly on his head. The victim lapsed into a coma and died two weeks later.

The crime of which Blythe is being accused is punishable by up to ten years in prison, according to popular Czech news web site Here is a picture of Randy Blythe in court.

Read some of the comments from the Heavy Music community!
Click here to read a statement from the bands publicist.

Stay tuned for more information about this story.

Related links:
Lamb Of God's Official Site


  1. I've seen things like this many times at multiple metal shows. I don't think Randy is to blame at all. All he did was throw the kid back into the crowd. It happens all the time and if a fan does it on their own it's called stage diving. It unfortunately was a perfect storm of events, such as the crowd not catching him as well as how he landed, that must have lead to his untimely death. No one, including Randy I'm sure, wants to see a fan get hurt let alone die from their injuries sustained at a show. Another fact of the matter that should be addressed is most shows I have been to the stage area is off limits to everyone but the artists and their crew. There are usually signs posted stating this and it's then the responsibility of the staff at the venue to take care of this. Also as a concert goer Daniel should have known he was not allowed on the stage and therefore his actions also lead to his death. The point is, he did not belong on stage and would probably be alive today had he obeyed the venue rules and the space that is reserved for the artists. My heart still goes out to Daniel's family and friends and again I hate to see anyone get seriously hurt or killed at a show. But safety measures are in effect for a reason and should be respected. I also hope Randy and the rest of the L.O.G. guys can move forward from this. They're great guys and a great band. I hope all involved can come to a sensible resolve.

  2. Yeah and theres no way to prove that his head injury occured form being thrown off stage. People get hit a lot a shows and are willing participants. That show looked packed and there were enough people to catch him but it kinda fucked to get thrown by your head.

  3. its hard to tell how much the security guard had to do w/ that as well as the guys wellingness to jump back into the crowd-personally i think it's a combination of said factors as well as randy's "force" though i can't tell if he pulled him by the hair, which in my eyes, should render him fairly responsible for the outcome. either way it's a great tragedy and i feel terrible for all parties
