Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Former RAINBOW/DIO Bassist Arrested For DUI & Prescription Medication - Details Available!

According to, former DIO/RAINBOW bassist James Stewart Bain (A.K.A. Jimmy Bain) was arrested last night for DUI and illegally possessing prescription medication. Here are some details about this incident:

- Bain, 64, got into a minor accident in his '95 Toyota Camry around 9:30 p.m. and failed a field sobriety test administered by responding police officers. The cops also found Vicodin pills that were not prescribed to Bain.

- Bain was arrested and booked for misdemeanor DUI and felony possession of prescription medication.

- Bain, who also had an outstanding drug warrant, was released on $60,000 bail.

- Bain was previously arrested in Hollywood, California on December 16, 2005 — just three days shy of his 58th birthday — on charges of driving while under the influence.

Stay tuned for more information about this story.

Related links:
Jimmy Bain's Official Site
DIO's Official Site

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