Tuesday, December 4, 2012

CARCASS Announce NEW Album!

Great news! British Metal maniacs CARCASS have announced that they are working on a NEW album! In an exclusive interview with Decibel Magazine, Jeff Walker (frontman and bassist) confirmed that CARCASS is in the studio working on NEW music. The last time the band released an album was in 1996, which is when 'Swansong' was released.

The CARCASS camp have announced that As for vocals, guitarist Bill Steer will bring a Necroticism style of and Walker promises more range on his vocals.They have also announced that Daniel Wilding will be the bands drummer this time around. In recent memory, Wilding has performed with Behemoth and Kataklysm, and is currently the drummer for Trigger The Bloodshed. Walker is hoping that founding drummer Ken Owen will make an appearance on the album as well.

It has also been confirmed that guitar icon Michael Amott will not be part of this generation of CARCASS, due to his busy agenda with ARCH ENEMY and SPIRITUAL BEGGARS.

Here is what Walker had to say about the bands NEW batch of music:

“Good timing, eh? Twenty-five years we first recorded Reek of Putrefaction. The incentive was off Bill. I’d verbally expressed an interest in doing something but I needed Bill to have the desire and hunger again and that’s exactly what has happened. He recalled watching Dan Wilding play on tour with us in 2008 and something about him struck a chord and he wanted to work with him. There was something about him that kind of reminded him of Ken, on a personal level as much as his playing. We’ve done this recording firstly for ourselves—there’s no label backing even as you read this—in fact me and Bill have spent a small fortune out of our pocket to see this through—it’s more of an artistic/personal statement than anything.”

Read the whole interview HERE!

Related links:
CARCASS on MySpace

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