Friday, December 14, 2012

Courtney Love On NIRVANA's "Reunion": "Look, if John [Lennon] were alive it would be cool."

This past Wednesday, December 12, many of Rock N' Roll's finest stars took over New York City's Madison Square Garden for "12.12.12" the Concert For Sandy Relief. The live music event helped provide assistance to the millions of people throughout the tri-state area who have been affected by Hurricane Sandy.

Towards the end of the event, which finalized around 1 AM Eastern Time, THE BEATLES' legend Paul McCartney was joined by the surviving members of NIRVANA - Dave Grohl and Krist Novoselic - and Pat Smears from the FOO FIGHTERS. The group performed "Cut Me Some Slack", a song that will be available to purchase as part of a live compilation album of songs from the evening. It will also be included on the soundtrack of Grohl's NEW movie, "Sound City Movie" (Watch the trailer HERE).

According to The Pulse Of Radio, Courtney Love (Kurt Cobain's widow), went on Facebook even before the event and wrote that she was "not amused" by McCartney's involvement, adding, "Look, if John [Lennon] were alive it would be cool."

After the performance, she returned online to post a series of trademark incoherent comments. For example: "if they don't do songs they didn't write (Nirvana songs they don't own) i don't care."

The famously controversial Love, also bashed Krist Novoselic's bass playing. Love responsed to a comment from a Facebook user named Scott, who really enjoyed the performance. Love replied, "Scott really? I will repeat, with Krist's bass playing? Lets be clear hes not exactly known for its brilliance." Watch video of this historic performance HERE!

What did you think about the performance? Let us know at the comments section below.

Via Blabbermouth

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