Wednesday, December 19, 2012

FREE Music Biz "Heavy Metal Holiday Party" To Take Place Tonight In New York City!

Even though the world is coming to an end a couple days after this, we are starting a NEW yearly tradition for the NYC Rock & Roll Music Biz!

Idle Hands Bar, Branch Marketing Collective, Attention Deficit Delirium, Drumhead Magazine and Burger Conquest along with Horns Up Rocks, Metal Insider, and Metalsucks present...

Wednesday, December 19th
7pm - 11:58pm

25 Avenue B
b/w 2nd & 3rd St, downstairs

Get together one last time with your industry friends before the music biz shuts its brain off for the year. The party is open to everyone, so feel free to invite friends!

There will be great drink specials plus guest DJs from your favorite magazines and websites spinning ROCK & METAL ALL NIGHT!

If you are feeling like starting the night with some Winter Beers, we also have a $10 Tasting of Winter Warmers from RJ Rockers, Riverhorse, Founders, Boulder & Steven's Point from 7-9pm.
Related links:

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