Friday, July 6, 2012

Founding Member Of The CRO MAGS Stabs Multiple Victims & Causes Show Cancellation In New York City!

     Photo by: Bowery Boogie

As previously reported, the CBGB Fest show at Webster Hall that was taking place tonight (July 6th) in New York City, was cancelled after multiple (at least two) concert goers were stabbed. The incident occurred right after VISION OF DISORDER's set!

Who were the victims? According to "Rat Bones", a member of the New York Hard Core family, Harley Flanagan (founder of the CRO MAGS) stabbed Mike "The Gook" Couls (current CRO MAGS bassist and member of the DMS crew) right before the CRO MAGS were going to hit center stage at Webster hall.

"Yo check it! Harley Flanagan just stabbed Mike "The Gook" at Cro Mags. Prayers to Mike! Harley's a fkn scumbag!"

We have been informed by members of AGNOSTIC FRONT that Mike is OK! According to ABC Eyewitness news "sources say that the two injured men were members of the band that was performing on Friday night. Both victims are expected to be okay."
According to a witness (who has chosen to remain unnamed), Flanagan was acting weird right before the incident: "I talked to him outside minutes before it happened and I knew something was going to go down. He was like a fu&*ing lunatic outside... Next thing I know he's in the VIP area stabbing people!"

Here is what the folks from Bowery Boogie saw:

"We were watching the hardcore show at Webster Hall – featuring Sick of it All, Cro-Mags, and VOD – when all hell broke loose upstairs. Harley Flanagan, founding member of the Cro-Mags stumbled into the VIP lounge with a knife. Security mobilized in a hot minute and beat the shit out of him. It took no less than six beefy dudes to control the madness. Blood was everywhere, and bone protruded from his shin.

"Cops quickly appeared and took him away in cuffs. Not before he had already stabbed some dude in the chest (said victim left the scene with a bandage over the wound). Because of the violence the rest of the show was canceled. The remaining bands promised to reschedule the show. To be fair, Webster Hall security contained the situation professionally. Lots of drunken, pissed off hardcore fans were on edge after the cops shut down the show, but the scene was cleared without further incident."

        Photo by: Zulie Alvarez (


  1. Good quoted source, ratbones is the man!!!!!!!

  2. We love you, Ratbones! U rool!!!!!

  3. What a loser. This will be the douchbag's legacy.
