Wednesday, May 29, 2013

JUDAS PRIEST: Rob Halford Offers NEW Album Update!

Get stoked! Heavy Metal legends JUDAS PRIEST are hard at work on their seventeenth album. Here is an update from the "God Of Metal", Rob Halford, who told VH1 Radio Network's Dave Basner what the fans can expect.

"We have all the songs in our heads running right now as we're speaking to you, we can hear them. It's coming along really well. We're in no rush. It'll be ready when it's ready. What we will say is we felt it was very important to follow up 'Nostradamus', the last release, and that was a concept experiment and it was a real success for us and the fans loved it, but I think our fans and ourselves as a band, we want to get back to the side of PRIEST that we haven't heard for a few years and reemphasize and remake those big, Heavy Metal statements again."

As for when you will listen to a NEW PRIEST album, Halford made it clear that he and his bandmates aren't going to set dates for themselves.

"I think that's the best way to approach it, because it would be wrong to say, 'On this date, at this moment, the record is coming out.' But where we're at now, we're very, very confident and, going out on a limb, I would say that we should have it wrapped up by the end of this year. We're forging ahead and everything's looking good, and yeah, it's looking right. So in the not-too-distant Metal future, there will be new PRIEST to listen to."

There you have it folks! JUDAS PRIEST is far from "retiring", despite their "epitaph" tour.
The bands 'Epitaph' concert DVD and Blu-ray is now available worldwide! More info HERE!

Related links:
Judas Priest's official site 

1 comment:

  1. Great site, I wonder why so little comment. Maybe the comment system kinda sucks, let us sign in through Google, Facebook, twitter, etc?

    Anyways looking forward to this!
