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Saturday, June 16, 2012
Members of MACHINE HEAD, SLIPKNOT, KORN & DREAM THEATER Talk About Being A Father While Being In An Active Band!
In honor of Father's Day, which is taking place tomorrow (Sunday, June 17), the great folks over at Roadrunner Records decided to reach out to some of their artists who are themselves parents, and ask them how they balance family life with the sacrifices necessary to be in an active touring Rock band—long stretches of time spent apart from wives and kids, the need for isolation to let creativity flow, and more. Here are the answers they got back.
Max Cavalera, Soulfly/Cavalera Conspiracy:
"My kids and my music have crossed paths from the beginning. I always involved my kids with music any chance I had. Richie played guitar at the Nailbomb show in Holland in front of 120,000 people. Zyon's heartbeat opened Sepultura's Chaos A.D. record. Igor's hands and mine are together in the photo shoot I did for Soulfly 1. Our hands hold the CD in the CD case and on "Primitive," Igor says "Tchoo Tchoo" before the song "Mulambo." All that connection somehow inspired them to create their own music. Richie sings for Incite, and Zyon and Igor are together in Lody Kong. We were on tour in America and will be back for another Maximum Cavalera Tour. Happy Father's Day to all!"
M. Shawn "Clown" Crahan, Slipknot:
"I will be married 20 years this month. I have four children: my oldest, a girl, Alexandria, 21 years of age; oldest boy, Gage, age 18; Gabrielle, 15; Simon, eight years old. I was married before I started the band with Paul [Gray], so I am blessed. I have yin and yang, the best of both worlds. I have my dream—I get to perform music, I get to take photos, I create art pieces, I direct, I produce, I do it all ‘cause I’m a Renaissance guy, and I do it to the fullest. Before my dad died, he said, 'You’re the only person in my entire life that I’ve heard say wanted to do something'—’cause I’m his son, he remembered the first time I told him what I wanted to do, and then he came to a show with 30,000 people and looking out, said 'You did it.' I’m an only child, so I always wanted a family, and I have two girls and two boys, the best of both worlds two times over, and I have my soul mate Chantel, we’ve been happily married for 20 years coming up June 26, and the way I balance it is easy. One is not the other. You treat one with ultimate respect, and you treat the other with ultimate respect. There’s that fine line between, where they can mingle, so the family can come out on the road, whatever. But in this business, even though it’s my dream, my family comes first. I wanted my dream so I could put a roof over my family’s head. So I could have insurance. I work hard at my dream and give it everything I have so I can have my family world, which is what I wanted more than anything. and my Slipknot family is family too, but they would even tell you it can’t be equal, because you’re talking about my wife and my children. I give them everything I am first and foremost, and because I do that, I’m allowed to continue to be the best I can be in Slipknot."
Robb Flynn, Machine Head:
"Being a dad is the greatest gift that has come into my life, and something I try every day to get better at. It's the single hardest job I've ever had, and it's twice as hard for my wife Genevra, who for months at a time is basically a single mom with financial support from me who raises our two sons, Zander and Wyatt. Yes, being in a touring metal band and balancing fatherhood is a challenge in so many ways that I wouldn't have expected. It can be amazing, inspiring, depressing, heartbreaking, hilarious, life-afffirming, and at its best, makes me a kid again.
"For over 23 years straight now, I've been on tour. I've never retired, gone on hiatus, took five years off to recharge. Nope, since I was a teenager I've been on tour, and Machine Head is a band that tours hard, harder than 90% of the metal, rock, or pop acts/bands out there. James Brown, eat your heart out. The shortest tour we've done? 16 months. The longest? 3 years and 1 month. Granted, there were breaks in between tours, some as long as 2 1/2 months, others as short as a week. The flip side is that when I'm home writing a record, I can be home for a year, straight spending a lot of undivided time with them. But when I'm touring a record, another tour is always on the horizon, and for both Zander and Wyatt, that looming feeling that Daddy is going away soon is tough.
"There's the depressing parts: Often times, the week before a tour is the hardest because the boys begin to shut down emotionally, or act out. It's a coping mechanism, it allows them to deal with the situation they are about to face. They don't understand that and certainly don't rationalize that. I've had my five-year-old, Wyatt, tell me, "he hates my job, he hates my band, and he hates how it takes me away from him." My eight-year-old, Zander, didn't speak to me via Skype for eight weeks on a 10-week Slipknot tour, because he was mad at me for being gone. It was brutally hard. They miss me, and I miss them.
"I've missed many things too: I've missed both of their first steps, both their first teeth, both their first words, plays, recitals, school functions, soccer games, baseball games, wrestling classes, Tae Kwon Do classes, basketball camps, camping trips. I've missed big chunks of their lives.
"And then there's the hilarious and absurd parts of being a heavy metal dad: We played the Download Festival in England in 2007 when Zander was three, and Wyatt was six months old. I flew home the day after, and when I walked in the door at three in the afternoon, my wife handed the kids over and said "your turn," and walked out the door. Zander proceeded to make seven poopy diapers that day. SEVEN POOPY DIAPERS!!! 24 hours ago, I was a Metal God commanding 65,000 people into a frenzy that Kerrang! magazine said "blew Slayer away," and now I'm changing seven poopy diapers! Ah, fatherhood, it has a good way of humbling you.
"And then there are the life-affirming parts, the parts of fatherhood that remind you why you're alive: As a self-professed Star Wars nerd, being a dad has truly been one of the most enjoyable things in life. We're probably a bit more conservative than most parents when it comes to TV and movies. And until a month ago, hadn't shown Star Wars to either kid, and even now, only Zander has seen it. But since most of the kids at both boys' school had watched that movie, plus they had a ton of the toys, I wanted to devise a way for them to know the story. So what I did was, I told them the story of Star Wars.
"I broke every movie down into about 10 to 12 different 'stories.' I'd read the script and then every three or four nights we'd all lay down in their bed, turn out the lights and I'd have them stare at the ceiling and listen to the story of Star Wars. I'd do all the voices, make it all dramatic, leave every story on a cliff-hanger, it was awesome! They could stop me to ask me about characters or details, which they often did, and later as we found out, the best part of it, was that it allowed them to dream, to use their imagination about what Star Wars could be, or look like. The first time I had a light saber battle with the boys, I was practically in tears. So fuckin' cool. We've gone through all six Star Wars movies now, all four Indiana Jones, and are about to start Pirates of the Caribbean.
"Being a heavy metal dad is a life less ordinary. It is a choice the wife and I made, and a life we chose to bring our kids into. And while it is Father's Day, I'd like to give some huge props to Genevra for the enormous, nearly inhuman amount of effort she puts into raising our kids, the damn good job she does, the extraordinary patience she has in dealing with a barnacle-ly son-of-a-bitch like myself, and for being tough as nails and making me a better father.
"To my own Dad, Conrad Flynn, for being one heck of an awesome Dad.
And for all the heavy metal dads out there who work their asses off to balance this life we've chosen...Happy Father's Day."
Phil Demmel, Machine Head:
"Adding the complexities of a family member being a touring musician to a split-custody situation is one that my six-year-old son has known all his life. Bridging this gap and maintaining our unique relationship not only takes patience, but a lot of understanding. We have created an amazing kinship based on the fact that no matter how far apart or how long we go without seeing each other, he knows his Daddy will call and he will be seeing him again. With our limited time together, we've learned to not take anything for granted and to enjoy our family time (with Martarino too!) to the fullest. Our situation has strengthened our relationship and thank all that is good for what we have. Happy Father's Day to all."
Ray Luzier, Korn:
"This is my second Father’s Day as a dad. I want to raise my son like my Dad raised me - he was always 110% behind me in everything I did. Being a new dad, I want to learn from my father and encourage my boy to follow his passions in life, no matter what they are - because that’s what my Dad did for me. When a lot of people said to get a real job and quit trying to be a musician, my Dad always stood behind me and encouraged me to really go for it.
"It’s hard to be on the road away from my son, but Skype is a huge help being able to see his face and communicate with him and his mom. And it makes me really appreciate the time I have with him when I’m not on the road. Happy Father’s Day to everyone out there, and Happy Father’s Day, Dad!"
John Petrucci, Dream Theater:
"I have three kids and they are all musical. It's a funny thing because they have always been surrounded by music, whether it's at concerts, backstage, on stage, on a tour bus or in the studio. It's kind of inevitable that they would end up being musical. I always say it's like being born into a cop family, or a sports family, etc.
"They are especially exposed to tons of music at home since both my wife and I are guitar players. There are instruments all over the house and someone is always playing! The interesting thing is that my wife and I never pushed music on our children. They are naturally drawn to it and I think as a parent you have to walk a fine line between encouragement and over-involvement when it comes to the arts.
"As a father, the toughest thing that I've been faced with over the years is the difficulty in striking a balance between career and family. I really miss out on so much of their lives at times, so it's so important to value the time we are together and do the best that I can to hopefully share my experiences and knowledge with them enough that it has an impression on who and how they turn out to be as people. Fortunately for me, I married an amazing woman who has been such a positive and loving presence in their lives and incredible role model as their mother, and we work together at filling in all the gaps that may result from this kind of professional lifestyle. At the end of the day, I find that it really doesn't matter what band you're in or what anyone may think of you as a guitar player… to them you're just Dad!"
Happy Father's Day to all the dads out there! \m/
Friday, June 15, 2012
ANTHRAX's Charlie Benante Shows Fans His European Drum Kit; Band Is Ready For Mayhem Fest!
In anticipation of their appearance on the second stage (the Jägermeister stage) of the Rockstar Energy Drink Mayhem Festival, ANTHRAX are currently in Europe performing their signature Thrash Metal sound in front of thousands of kids. But why are ANTHRAX not performing on the main stage at this year's fest? When ANTHRAX was given the choice of playing this summer's Rockstar Energy Drink Mayhem Festival main stage or the festival's Jägermeister Stage, the band opted to headline the latter, and to do something special for the crowd.
6/30 – San Bernardino, CA
7/1 – San Francisco, CA
7/3 – Seattle, WA
7/6 – Phoenix, AZ
7/7 – Albuquerque, NM
7/8 – Denver, CO
7/10 – Dallas, TX
7/11 – Houston, TX
7/13 – Tampa, FL
7/14 – Atlanta, GA
7/15 – Indianapolis, IN
7/18 – Oklahoma City, OK
7/20 – St. Louis, MO
7/21 – Chicago, IL
7/22 – Detroit, MI
7/24 – Cincinnati, OH
7/25 – Cleveland, OH
7/27 – Philadelphia, PA
7/28 – Pittsburgh, PA
7/29 – Washington, DC
7/31 – Saratoga, NY
8/1 – Buffalo, NY
8/3 – Boston, MA
8/4 – Scranton, PA
8/5 – Hartford, CT
A three-and-a-half-minute clip in which ANTHRAX's Charlie Benante describes the drum kit that he is using while on tour in Europe can be seen below.
Related links:
big four,
charlie benante,
drum kit,
heavy music,
horns up rocks,
joey belladonna,
rob caggiano,
rockstar energy drink mayhem festival,
scott ian,
the ramones,
tour dates
Colombian Rocker JUANES Announces NEW YouTube Documentary Series - Official Trailer Available!
Colombian superstar Juan Esteban Aristizábal Vásquez, popularly known as JUANES, is letting fans into his life by releasing a documentary series via YouTube that showcases JUANES the musician, the husband, the father, and beyond. The timing could not be more perfect as he just released his MTV Unplugged, an album that is already #1 in 18 countries. Click here to purchase Juanes' MTV Unplugged!
JUANES has teamed up with the NEW "123UnoDosTres" YouTube Channel and will take you not only backstage but around the world with him, showing you what inspires him and the people involved. His fans will now get to know Juanes, not only as a musician, but how he views the world through his eyes.
He is also encouraging his fans to participate by subscribing to the channel and have them ask questions that he may later answer in future episodes. He is even giving fans who subscribe to the channel an opportunity to join him in a live Google Hangout.
This is yer another reason why JUANES rules, check the official trailer out!
Related links:
JUANES' Official Site!
Click here to purchase Juanes' MTV Unplugged!
colombian rock,
documentary series,
google hangout,
heavy music,
horns up rocks,
Ramon Ortiz (PUYA & ANKLA) Releases NEW Solo Album - Details Available!
Ramon Ortiz, the very talented guitarist of Crossover Metal bands PUYA and ANKLA, has just released his first solo album, 'Ortiz, you can grab crank it at the link below.
After many years in the music industry as a composer, musician and producer and touring U.S. and Latin America, Ortiz's solo album is one that will travel through the broadest musical landscapes. With equal emphasis on acoustic and electric guitars, vocal and instrumental sounds, it's a vast exploration through different music genres that define Ortiz's musical essence, with his guitar leading the whole way.
Ortiz states, "I'm really excited about this album. I feel I've paid homage to all my musical influences and roots while taking my sound, my playing and my fusion to an unprecedented level. All with the help of my long time music partner and friend, master drummer/percussionist Oscar Santiago."
"Ortiz" features guest appearances by several musicians, including a guitar duet with Ramon's father. Production was handled by Ramon, with Nick Page (THE DARKNESS) and Alexis Perez co-producing, recording and mixing on some of the tracks. Mastering duties were taken care of by Kingnaldo at Heretic Mute Studio.
Listen to 'Ortiz' right now!
heavy music,
horns up rocks,
puerto rico,
ramon ortiz,
solo album
CBGB Fest: Poster Revealed For The SICK OF IT ALL, CRO MAGS, VOD Show!
Two years after the legendary CBGB brand went up for sale and six years after the venue closed for good, rumors began stirring that the legendary Hardcore Punk club would be making some sort of return to New York City. Well, the CBGB Festival will hit NYC this 4th of July week. Here is an event you do not want to miss!
On Friday, July 6th Bowery Presents:
Webster Hall: 125 East 11th Street Manhattan, NY 10003
Tickets (On Sale Tuesday 5/8 at 10 AM): http://www.ticketweb.com/
Facebook invite: https://www.facebook.com/events/143246332466857/
cro mags,
hardcore punk,
heavy music,
horns up rocks,
New York City,
sick of it all,
vision of disorder,
webster hall
Vote To Create A Custom Rock Inspired VICTORY Motorcycle!
Musicians play GIBSON Guitars for a reason - the first time they played, they were hooked. That's because they want nothing but the best when pursuing their passion, and VICTORY riders feel the same way about VICTORY Motorcycles.
We''ll connect one of the Über-talented axemen featured below with the cutting-edge VICTORY design team, to create a custom, Rock-inspired bike-based on your votes!
You can vote everyday, so come on back and get heard!
Then, for good Karma, there will be an auction in which all the proceeds will go towards a deserving charity.
Keith Nelson (Buckcherry) Chris Hobbs (Cavo) Jason Hook (5FDP)
Click here to vote now!
chris hobbs,
custom design,
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gibson guitars,
horns up rocks,
jason hook,
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LAMB OF GOD Premiere Music Video For "Desolation" - Watch It Now!
"Desolation", the NEW video from Richmond, Virginia Metallers LAMB OF GOD, can be seen below. The song comes off the band's latest album, 'Resolution', which has sold 117,000 copies in the United States since its January release.
As previously reported, LAMB OF GOD recently released the first trailer for their projected 2013 feature film, "As The Palaces Burn". The film, directed by award winning documentary filmmaker Don Argott and produced by 9.14 Pictures (Last Days Here, Art of the Steal, Rock School), examines the impact that music and particularly Heavy Metal music has made on people around the globe as they live in a 21st century world full of economic uncertainty, political unrest, social injustice, and under a constant fear of war and violence. Filming has taken place to date in Colombia, Venezuela, Mexico, India, and Israel. Filming in the United States will take place over the summer months.
As previously reported, LAMB OF GOD recently released the first trailer for their projected 2013 feature film, "As The Palaces Burn". The film, directed by award winning documentary filmmaker Don Argott and produced by 9.14 Pictures (Last Days Here, Art of the Steal, Rock School), examines the impact that music and particularly Heavy Metal music has made on people around the globe as they live in a 21st century world full of economic uncertainty, political unrest, social injustice, and under a constant fear of war and violence. Filming has taken place to date in Colombia, Venezuela, Mexico, India, and Israel. Filming in the United States will take place over the summer months.
The band, currently on tour in Europe, begins the North American tour for Resolution on August 1st in Seattle, WA along with co-headliners Dethklok and special guest Gojira.The dates are as follows:
- 8/1: Seattle, WA @ WaMu Thater
- 8/2: Vancouver, BC @ Queen Elizabeth Theater
- 8/4: Calgary, AB @ Big 4
- 8/5: Edmonton, AB @ Shaw Conference Centre
- 8/7: Winnipeg, MB @ Convention Centre
- 8/9: Milwaukee, WI @ Eagles Ballroom
- 8/10: Columbus, OH @ LC Pavilion
- 8/11: Toronto, ON @ Heavy TO
- 8/12: Montreal, QC @ Heavy MTL
- 8/14: Grand Rapids, MI @ Delta Plex
- 8/15: St. Louis, MO @ Family Arena
- 8/19: Kansas City, MO @ Midland Theater
- 8/21: Chicago, IL @ Congress Ballroom
- 8/22: Detroit, MI @ Compuware Arena
- 8/23: Pittsburgh, PA @ Stage AE
- 8/24: Charlotte, NC @ Time Warner Cable Uptown Amphitheater
- 8/25: Norfolk, VA @ Constant Convocation Center
- 8/26: Baltimore, MD @ Pier 6 Pavilion
- 8/29: New York, NY @ Roseland Ballroom
- 8/30: Lowell, MA @ Tsongas Arena
- 8/31: Wallingford, CT @ Toyota Presents Oakdale Theater
- 9/1: Philadelphia, PA @ Outside at the Electric Factory
- 9/2: Asbury Park, NJ @ Asbury Park Convention Hall
- 9/4: Orlando, FL @ Hard Rock Live
- 9/5: Atlanta, GA @ Tabernacle
- 9/7: Houston, TX @ Bayou Music Center
- 9/8: San Antonio, TX @ Sunken Garden
- 9/9: Dallas, TX @ Verizon Wireless Theater
- 9/11: Denver, CO @ The Fillmore
- 9/13: Phoenix, AZ @ Comerica Theater
- 9/14: Los Angeles, CA @ Gibson Amphitheater
- 9/15: San Francisco, CA @ Bill Graham Civic
*Schedule is subject to change.
Related links:
Lamb Of God's Official Site
- 8/1: Seattle, WA @ WaMu Thater
- 8/2: Vancouver, BC @ Queen Elizabeth Theater
- 8/4: Calgary, AB @ Big 4
- 8/5: Edmonton, AB @ Shaw Conference Centre
- 8/7: Winnipeg, MB @ Convention Centre
- 8/9: Milwaukee, WI @ Eagles Ballroom
- 8/10: Columbus, OH @ LC Pavilion
- 8/11: Toronto, ON @ Heavy TO
- 8/12: Montreal, QC @ Heavy MTL
- 8/14: Grand Rapids, MI @ Delta Plex
- 8/15: St. Louis, MO @ Family Arena
- 8/19: Kansas City, MO @ Midland Theater
- 8/21: Chicago, IL @ Congress Ballroom
- 8/22: Detroit, MI @ Compuware Arena
- 8/23: Pittsburgh, PA @ Stage AE
- 8/24: Charlotte, NC @ Time Warner Cable Uptown Amphitheater
- 8/25: Norfolk, VA @ Constant Convocation Center
- 8/26: Baltimore, MD @ Pier 6 Pavilion
- 8/29: New York, NY @ Roseland Ballroom
- 8/30: Lowell, MA @ Tsongas Arena
- 8/31: Wallingford, CT @ Toyota Presents Oakdale Theater
- 9/1: Philadelphia, PA @ Outside at the Electric Factory
- 9/2: Asbury Park, NJ @ Asbury Park Convention Hall
- 9/4: Orlando, FL @ Hard Rock Live
- 9/5: Atlanta, GA @ Tabernacle
- 9/7: Houston, TX @ Bayou Music Center
- 9/8: San Antonio, TX @ Sunken Garden
- 9/9: Dallas, TX @ Verizon Wireless Theater
- 9/11: Denver, CO @ The Fillmore
- 9/13: Phoenix, AZ @ Comerica Theater
- 9/14: Los Angeles, CA @ Gibson Amphitheater
- 9/15: San Francisco, CA @ Bill Graham Civic
*Schedule is subject to change.
Related links:
Lamb Of God's Official Site
as the palaces burns movie,
desolation video,
heavy music,
horns up rocks,
lamb of god,
music video,
randy blythe,
video premiere,
world tour,
world violence
The 5th Annual ROCKAPALOOZA Festival: Artist, Host Signing & Bartending Times Announced!
Hosts Bam Margera and Brandon Novak of MTV’s JACKASS will be bartending at the Main Stage Bar at 4:30 PM and at the Driven Motors Liquor Bar from 7:45 PM - 8:05 PM, and will be signing autographs at the Artist Tent from 6:40 PM - 7:45 PM. Special guest bartender and host Dennis Haskins of Saved By The Bell will be signing autographs at the Monster Energy Tent from 12 PM - 12:30 PM and at the Artist Tent from 3:30 PM - 4 PM, and will be bartending at the Driven Motors Liquor Bar directly after from 4 PM - 4:20 PM and at the Jam Heads VIP Bar from 5:15 PM - 6:15 PM.
The artist signings and bartending times are as follows:
The artist signings and bartending times are as follows:
Autograph Time (Artist Tent) Bartending Time (Driven Motors Liquor Bar)
- Red Jumpsuit Apparatus 11:00am-11:30am 11:30am-11:50am
- Bobaflex 11:30am-12:00pm 12:00pm-12:20pm
- I See Stars 12:00pm-12:30pm 12:30pm-12:50pm
- 12 Stones 12:30pm-1:00pm 1:00pm-1:20pm
- Otherwise 1:00pm-1:30pm 1:30pm-1:50pm
- Emphatic 1:30pm-2:15pm 2:15pm-2:35pm
- Rotation 2:15pm-2:45pm 2:45pm-3:05pm
- We Came As Romans 2:45pm-3:30pm 3:30pm-3:50pm
- Mr. Belding 3:30pm-4:00pm 4:00pm-4:20pm
- Saliva 4:00pm-4:30pm 4:30pm-4:50pm
- Rehab 4:30pm-5:00pm 5:00pm-5:20pm
- Coolio 5:15pm-6:00pm 6:00pm-6:20pm
- Afroman 6:00pm-6:45pm 6:45pm-7:05pm
- Bam & Brandon 6:45pm-7:45pm 7:45pm-8:05pm (+ 4:30pm @ Main Stage Bar)
ROCKAPALOOZA will be hosted by Bam Margera and Brandon Novak and will take place this year on Saturday, June 23, 2012 and features six stages. The Monster Energy main stage features headliners Puddle of Mudd, and opening acts Saliva, Rehab, We Came As Romans, Red Jumpsuit Apparatus, 12 Stones, and Emphatic—just to name a few. The National Guard Stage also includes I See Stars, Sore Eyes, Otherwise, and more. See below for the line-ups for the additional stages featuring the likes of Bobaflex, Coolio, Afroman, and many more. ROCKAPALOOZA is also sponsored by the National Guard, Verizon Wireless, Budweiser, and Q106 FM.
The advance price of tickets for this year’s ROCKAPALOOZA is $30, while day of show tickets cost $35. All children under the age of 10 are admitted free, and the event is ALL AGES. This year, Jam Heads Party Deck passes are just $100 and include half off discounts on beer and food, free Monster Energy Drink, a meet and greet with Puddle of Mudd, Rehab, and Sore Eyes, and features a shaded area with seating. For regular attendees, Budweiser is offering $1 drafts from 10am-12pm. Doors open at 10am.
You can purchase tickets online now at www.etix.com!
See below for the full listing of headliners and openers:
- :Main Stage Bands (Monster Energy Stage)
Headliner: Puddle of Mudd
We Came As Romans
Red Jumpsuit Apparatus
12 Stones
Lifeline Revolution
Sunset Villians
Nation of Wealth
Blackened Earth
Jet City Vega
Bet Me I'm Lying
Seeking Seven
- 2nd Stage Bands (National Guard Stage):
I See Stars
Sore Eyes
It Lies Within
Hollow Drive
Cyanide Sunrise
Ballz Deluxe
Fall of Eleven
Circus Asylum
Throwing Gravity
The Elder Beer Men
Lima OH (Battle of the Bands Winner)
- 3rd Stage Bands (Revolver Electronic Cigarettes Stage):
Breaking Paradox
Myths and Legends
The Scars Heal In Time
Ghosts of August
Second Season
Blind Reflection
Barefoot Breakdown
Beyond the Shadows
The Get Bye
Thee Unknown
- 4th Stage Bands:
Distand Decend
I'm William Cutting
10 Gauge Rage
Tisk Tisk
Shock Wave
Dismember the Fallen
Fire in the Sky
Violet Void
Lima OH (Battle of the Band Winner)
- 5th Stage Bands (Live Loud & Local Blue Print Artist Development Stage):
Fallen Captive
Jay Mel
Know Lyfe
Autumn Burning
Black Valor
Mind Pulp
Erasing Never
Through The Ashes
Beat To Quarters
Last Savior Of God
Helix Reign
Summer Soulstice
Alternant Resonant
The Everyday Losers
Ice Possible
Hosted by: DJ Chuck Lew
- 6th Stage Bands (Avenue Billiards Music Room Stage):
Underneath It All
Boys of Fall
Fear the Fallen
Featuring special guest bartender Dennis Haskins (known as Mr. Belding of “Saved by the Bell" fame).
Related links:
Rockapalooza on Facebook
autograph sessions,
bam margera,
bar tending,
brandon novak,
dennis hasking,
heavy music,
horns up rocks,
puddle of mudd,
rockstar energy drink,
saved by the bell,
wayne static
Win STRYPER Tickets + Private Meet & Greets For Their Hollywood Show!
Get a chance to win tickets with a private meet & greet with multi –platinum Metal Rockers STRYPER at the House of Blues Hollywood for Friday June 22nd.
Here are the 3 ways to win:
KLOS - When you hear the cue to call to enter the KLOS “swag store” be caller 25 and you get to get your Stryper package.
KNAC – Listen to Diana DeVille on her show The Wild Side online at KNAC.com between 3-7 and get your chance to win a STRYPER Package.
AOL - www.noisecreep.com/2012/06/11/stryper-meet-and-greet-in-hollywood-california-giveaway/
Don’t want to take a chance but still want a private Meet & Greet? Go to www.etix.com and buy your M&G there for only $100! It includes: Stryper Laminate and 8x10 Photo. Fans may have up to two personal items signed and their picture taken with the band. Concert Event ticket must be purchased separately.
Show details:
- Friday 06/22/2012
- Doors: 08:00 PM
- Show: 09:00 PM
- Prices:
$25.00 - Advance Gen Adm/Stand Only
$27.50 - DOS Gen Admin/Stand Only
- Ages: all
STRYPER is one of the few bands from a decadent era that features “All Original Members”. They continue to tour the world and produce Billboard-charting albums. Brothers Michael Sweet and Robert Sweet, along with Oz Fox and Timothy Gaines, make up the legendary Hard Rock quartet.
Over 25 years later the band continues to deliver an inspiring message with their electrifying stage show, performing in front of audiences worldwide.
Related links:
Stryper's Official Site!
AOL Noisecreep,
free tickets,
heavy music,
horns up rocks,
house of blues,
los angeles,
vip package
Download Festival: Listen To BLACK SABBATH's Entire Set!
On Sunday, June 10th, legendary British Heavy Metal band BLACK SABBATH headlined this year's edition of the Download festival at Donington Park in Leicestershire, United Kingdom.
The band's setlist was as follows:
01. Black Sabbath
02. The Wizard
03. Behind The Wall Of Sleep
04. N.I.B.
05. Into The Void
06. Under The Sun
07. Snowblind
08. War Pigs
09. Sweet Leaf
10. Drum Solo
11. Iron Man
12. Fairies Wear Boots
13. Tomorrow's Dream
14. Dirty Women
15. Children Of The Grave
16. Paranoid
An audio recording of SABBATH's entire performance is available below.
In other BLACK SABBATH news, according to the "Prince of Darkness" Ozzy Osbourne, the band have written 15 NEW songs since reuniting last year. During an interview with NME (which you can watch below), the band discussed the direction of the NEW material, the influence of producer Rick Rubin and their recent Download warm-up gig in Birmingham.
"We've written about 15 songs so far, whether they'll get on an album [I don't know]… You just keep on writing. I was trying to [work out]: where would we be now musically if we'd have stayed together? Next year - 2013 - is a good clue of what we'll call the album." - Ozzy Osbourne
Click to watch an exclusive interview with Ozzy Osbourne!
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Black Sabbath,
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Ozzy Osbourne,
tonny iommi
Thursday, June 14, 2012
IGNITE Release Video Clip From 'Our Darkest Days Live'; DVD Pre-orders Available Now!
VISIONS Magazine (Germany) presents the first full live video off the upcoming IGNITE DVD, 'Our Darkest Days Live'. Check out the video for "Bleeding" HERE!
June 19th marks the U.S. street date (June 18th in Europe) for the first DVD in the history of IGNITE. If you haven't seen it yet, check out the DVD Trailer by visiting the REELL JEANS blog:
Fans can preorder the 'Our Darkest Days Live' DVD through the CM DISTRO web shop here.
IGNITE will promote the DVD release with some festival and club shows this summer. Vocalist Zoli Teglas spoke about the release and their upcoming European dates: "We are very happy to release this live DVD that we put a lot of work into and then follow it up with a great Summer festival tour, it's nice to be back again!" Keep an eye on the tour dates, more will be added soon!
Every IGNITE fan should be excited by the news that a new IGNITE studio album is coming up soon! The band is in full songwriting mode and has already finished a bunch of new tracks. Bass player and founding member Brett Rasmussen lends an insight to the band's near future, "First step is getting this DVD out, then finish writing the new songsand then get in the recording studio to get our fans a new album to listen too!"
IGNITE European Dates:
20.07. Schloss Holte Stukenbrock - Serengeti Festival (Germany)
21.07. Copenhagen - HC Showdown (Denmark)
22.07. Cuxhaven - Deichbrand Open Air (Germany)
22.07. Oberhausen - Devilside (Germany)
23.07. Drachten - Iduna (Netherlands)
25.07. Lindau - Club Vaudeville (Germany)
26.07. München - Free & Easy (Germany) FREE SHOW
27.07. Bausendorf-Olkenbach - Riez Open Air (Germany)
28.07. Sarnthein (Bolzano/Bozen) - Rock In Dusty Valley (Italy)
29.07. Vimercate - Arci Arcopolis (Italy)
31.07. Graz - Explosiv (Austria)
01.08. Stuttgart - Universum (Germany)
02.08. Schweinfurt - Alter Stattbahnhof (Germany)
03.08. Rotterdam - De Baroeg (Netherlands)
04.08. Enschede - Geuzenpop (Netherlands)
08.08. Krakow - Club Farbyka (Poland)
09.08. Bydgoszcz - Estrada (Poland)
10.08. Torgau - Endless Summer Open Air (Germany)
12.08. London - Underworld (Great Britain)
Related links:
ICED EARTH To Kick Off North American Tour With VOLBEAT, HELLYEAH & THE SIXXIS; Limited Pressing Of 'Dystopia Tour Edition' Available Only At Merch Stands!
Heavy Metal legends ICED EARTH will be touring North America starting next week, hitting the road with VOLBEAT, HELLYEAH, and THE SIXXIS for an extensive 5-week trek. In regards to this upcoming tour, Jon Schaffer (rhythm, lead and acoustic guitars/backing vocals) comments: "I'm completely stoked, VOLBEAT is one of my all-time favorite bands, and Michael and the boys are great people. There is a lot of mutual respect and admiration, and I think we are in for a hell of a good time! This will be a package that won't soon be forgotten, I'm sure of that."
ICED EARTH will be touring in support of their critically acclaimed 10th studio album, 'Dystopia'. Released last year via Century Media Records, 'Dystopia' debuted at #67 on the Billboard chart and has since received rave reviews from fans and critics alike, with Revolver Magazine naming it one of the 20 Best Albums of 2011 and declaring, "Twenty years after releasing their self-titled debut, this Florida five some has never sounded better."
To commemorate the tour, ICED EARTH are releasing a limited tour edition of 'Dystopia'. Currently available only at the merchandise stands on the tour, the 2-disc 'Dystopia' Tour Edition contains the original full-length album, as well as b-side covers of IRON MAIDEN "The Trooper" and BLACK SABBATH "Mob Rules," as well as the classic 17-minute ICED EARTH track "Dante's Inferno" re-recorded with vocalist Stu Block. The bonus disc also contains both music videos from 'Dystopia' - the title track and "Anthem" - as well as a 'Making of Dystopia' studio interview with the band, and exclusive cell phone skins and desktop backgrounds.
All upcoming ICED EARTH tour dates are below, so check to see when they'll be coming to a city near you!
ICED EARTH will be touring in support of their critically acclaimed 10th studio album, 'Dystopia'. Released last year via Century Media Records, 'Dystopia' debuted at #67 on the Billboard chart and has since received rave reviews from fans and critics alike, with Revolver Magazine naming it one of the 20 Best Albums of 2011 and declaring, "Twenty years after releasing their self-titled debut, this Florida five some has never sounded better."
To commemorate the tour, ICED EARTH are releasing a limited tour edition of 'Dystopia'. Currently available only at the merchandise stands on the tour, the 2-disc 'Dystopia' Tour Edition contains the original full-length album, as well as b-side covers of IRON MAIDEN "The Trooper" and BLACK SABBATH "Mob Rules," as well as the classic 17-minute ICED EARTH track "Dante's Inferno" re-recorded with vocalist Stu Block. The bonus disc also contains both music videos from 'Dystopia' - the title track and "Anthem" - as well as a 'Making of Dystopia' studio interview with the band, and exclusive cell phone skins and desktop backgrounds.
All upcoming ICED EARTH tour dates are below, so check to see when they'll be coming to a city near you!
6/18: Kool Haus in Toronto, ON
6/19: The Fillmore in Detroit, MI
6/20: Chameleon Club in Lancaster, PA **headlining off date**
6/21: House Of Blues in Boston, MA
6/22: Paramount Theatre in Huntington, NY
6/23: Northern Lights in Clifton Park, NY
6/25: House Of Blues in Chicago, IL **off date with HELLYEAH**
6/26: MYTH in St. Paul, MN
6/27: Burton Cummings Theatre in Winnipeg, MB
6/29: Crescent Point Place in Weyburn, SA
7/2: Shrine Auditorium in Billings, MT
7/3: Knitting Factory in Spokane, WA
7/5: Knitting Factory in Spokane, WA
7/6: Knitting Factory in Boise, ID
7/7: Knitting Factory in Reno, NV
7/8: Warfield Theatre in San Francisco, CA
7/10: The Grove of Anaheim in Anaheim, CA
7/11: Marquee Theatre in Tempe, AZ
7/12: House Of Blues in Las Vegas, NV
7/13: The Great Salt Air in Magna, UT
7/14: Mesa Theatre & Club in Grand Junction, CO **headlining off date**
7/15: Colorado Springs City Auditorium in Colorado Springs, CO
7/16: Sokol Auditorium in Omaha, NE **off date with VOLBEAT**
7/18: Sherman Theater in Stroudsburg, PA
7/19: Rams Head Live! in Baltimore, MD
7/22: Sherman Theater in Stroudsburg, PA
7/23: Norva Theater in Norfolk, VA
7/24: Rams Head Live! in Baltimore, MD
Related links:
ICED EARTH's Official Site
SLIPKNOT's Corey Taylor #8, Gets Very Emotional After Receiving A Metal Hammer Golden God Award At Download Fest - Video Available!
Here’s a very emotional video of Corey Taylor (SLIPKNOT & STONE SOUR) picking up the "Golden God" award for Best Download Moment at this year’s Download festival for Slipknot’s set in 2009! The award was presented by Metal Hammer editor Alexander Milas and Download organizer Andy Copping, and was a part of the 2012 Metal Hammer Golden Gods!
Here is video of the bands entire performance.
As previously reported, SLIPKNOT will release 'Antennas to Hell', a "best of" collection documenting its inimitable career, on July 24th. The album is scheduled to be released via Roadrunner Records while the band is spending its summer as the main attraction of the 2012 edition of the Rockstar Energy Drink Mayhem Festival, as well as curating and headlining the inaugural year of their very own festival, Knotfest. Click for more information about 'Antennas To Hell'!
The inaugural installment of their own festival, "KnotFest", will take place on Friday, August 17 at Mid America Motorplex in Pacific Junction, Iowa and on August 18th in Somerset, on the border of Wisconsin and Minnesota. More info here!
6/30 – San Bernardino, CA
7/1 – San Francisco, CA
7/3 – Seattle, WA
7/6 – Phoenix, AZ
7/7 – Albuquerque, NM
7/8 – Denver, CO
7/10 – Dallas, TX
7/11 – Houston, TX
7/13 – Tampa, FL
7/14 – Atlanta, GA
7/15 – Indianapolis, IN
7/18 – Oklahoma City, OK
7/20 – St. Louis, MO
7/21 – Chicago, IL
7/22 – Detroit, MI
7/24 – Cincinnati, OH
7/25 – Cleveland, OH
7/27 – Philadelphia, PA
7/28 – Pittsburgh, PA
7/29 – Washington, DC
7/31 – Saratoga, NY
8/1 – Buffalo, NY
8/3 – Boston, MA
8/4 – Scranton, PA
8/5 – Hartford, CT
Clcik here to win some SLIPKNOT swag!
Related links:
Rockstar Energy Drink Mayhem Festival
Here is video of the bands entire performance.
As previously reported, SLIPKNOT will release 'Antennas to Hell', a "best of" collection documenting its inimitable career, on July 24th. The album is scheduled to be released via Roadrunner Records while the band is spending its summer as the main attraction of the 2012 edition of the Rockstar Energy Drink Mayhem Festival, as well as curating and headlining the inaugural year of their very own festival, Knotfest. Click for more information about 'Antennas To Hell'!
The inaugural installment of their own festival, "KnotFest", will take place on Friday, August 17 at Mid America Motorplex in Pacific Junction, Iowa and on August 18th in Somerset, on the border of Wisconsin and Minnesota. More info here!
6/30 – San Bernardino, CA
7/1 – San Francisco, CA
7/3 – Seattle, WA
7/6 – Phoenix, AZ
7/7 – Albuquerque, NM
7/8 – Denver, CO
7/10 – Dallas, TX
7/11 – Houston, TX
7/13 – Tampa, FL
7/14 – Atlanta, GA
7/15 – Indianapolis, IN
7/18 – Oklahoma City, OK
7/20 – St. Louis, MO
7/21 – Chicago, IL
7/22 – Detroit, MI
7/24 – Cincinnati, OH
7/25 – Cleveland, OH
7/27 – Philadelphia, PA
7/28 – Pittsburgh, PA
7/29 – Washington, DC
7/31 – Saratoga, NY
8/1 – Buffalo, NY
8/3 – Boston, MA
8/4 – Scranton, PA
8/5 – Hartford, CT
Clcik here to win some SLIPKNOT swag!
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Rockstar Energy Drink Mayhem Festival
corey taylor,
download festival,
heavy music,
horns up rocks,
Kerry King,
metal hammer golden gods,
rockstar energy drink mayhem festival,
shawn crahan,
KING DIAMOND Celebrates His 56th Birthday: A True Miracle!
As previously reported, The King was forced to take a break from his musical career in November 2010. In case you don't remember, on November 29, 2010, King Diamond was taken to a hospital, where they discovered several blockages in his arteries due to his heavy smoking habit. They determined that he had several heart attacks and that he needed triple-bypass surgery. The surgery was performed successfully. On December 11, 2010 it was announced that he was at home recovering.
On December 7, 2011, King Diamond reappeared on stage with Metallica at The Fillmore in San Francisco to celebrate Metallica's 30th anniversary. Recently, King performed his comeback concert, on Sweden Rock Festival. In addition to performing a fifteen song set, Diamond was also joined onstage by his Mercyful Fate mates Hank Shermann and Michael Denner for a song each. As if that wasn’t enough, Diamond was also joined onstage by Michael Poulsen from Volbeat (which Shermann has been playing in as of late) and Motörhead drummer Mikkey Dee, who got his start playing in Diamond’s solo band.
King Diamond's Set List:
1. The Candle
2. Welcome Home
3. Voodoo
4. At The Graves
5. Up From The Grave
6. Let It Be Done
7. Dreams
8. Sleepless Nights
9. Andy La Rocque / Mike Wead Guitar Solo
10. Shapes Of Black
11. Come To The Sabbath (with Mercyful Fate’s Hank Shermann and Volbeat’s Michael Poulsen)
12. Eye Of The Witch
13. The Family Ghost
14. Halloween (with Mercyful Fate’s Michael Denner and Motörhead’s Mikkey Dee)
15. Black Horsemen
Here is come footage of this historical event:
Next up for King Diamond is Hellfest in France on June 15!
Related links:
Official Site of King Diamond
King Diamond on Facebook
AUTOPSY: 'Born Undead' DVD Release Date Announced - Full Details Available!
Influential Death Metal act, AUTOPSY, has revealed the release date for its upcoming DVD, 'Born Undead'. The extensive look into the blood and guts of one of Death Metal’s great pioneers will be released on August 28th in North America via Peaceville Records.
A trailer for the upcoming release can be seen here.
'Born Undead' charters the birth, death and rebirth of the legendary act, with an extensive documentary conducted with the band members themselves, as they describe how the beast came to be, and the impact their music has had on the Metal world over a span of more than 20 years.
The film also documents the band’s long-awaited return to the studio and stage, and includes rehearsals of both NEW tracks and old classics for AUTOPSY’s live comeback assault. The trio of 2010 reunion shows are all featured, with all the best classic tracks from Maryland Deathfest, PartySan festival and also Hole in the Sky in Norway, where Chris Reifert, Eric Cutler, and Danny Coralles were joined by Dan Lilker on bass.
With hours of footage, as well as extras including the band’s promo video for “All Tomorrow’s Funerals,” “My Corpse Shall Rise” and more, 'Born Undead' is the ultimate set for all Autopsy and Metal maniacs alike.
Kent Mattieu, who had collaborated with the band on its early classic (and often controversial) album covers, provided artwork for the release.
One of the early breed of US Death Metal acts, and most respected names in the genre, AUTOPSY formed in 1987 in San Francisco, and released four albums on Peaceville Records - beginning with the classic debut 'Severed Survival' in 1989 - before disbanding in 1995 with members going on to form Abscess.
AUTOPSY triumphantly and officially returned from the grave after a 15-year hiatus with the 2010 EP, ‘The Tomb Within,’ delighting critics and fans alike. The band then released its fifth full length, and first since 1995, 'Macabre Eternal', in 2011.
Stay tuned for more info on AUTOPSY and 'Born Undead'.
Chris Reifert: Drums/vocals
Danny Coralles: Guitar
Eric Cutler: Guitar
Joe Trevisano: Bass
Related links:
Autopsy's Official Site
Autopsy on Facebook
Autopsy on Peaceville Records
Peaceville Records
A trailer for the upcoming release can be seen here.
'Born Undead' charters the birth, death and rebirth of the legendary act, with an extensive documentary conducted with the band members themselves, as they describe how the beast came to be, and the impact their music has had on the Metal world over a span of more than 20 years.
The film also documents the band’s long-awaited return to the studio and stage, and includes rehearsals of both NEW tracks and old classics for AUTOPSY’s live comeback assault. The trio of 2010 reunion shows are all featured, with all the best classic tracks from Maryland Deathfest, PartySan festival and also Hole in the Sky in Norway, where Chris Reifert, Eric Cutler, and Danny Coralles were joined by Dan Lilker on bass.
With hours of footage, as well as extras including the band’s promo video for “All Tomorrow’s Funerals,” “My Corpse Shall Rise” and more, 'Born Undead' is the ultimate set for all Autopsy and Metal maniacs alike.
Kent Mattieu, who had collaborated with the band on its early classic (and often controversial) album covers, provided artwork for the release.
One of the early breed of US Death Metal acts, and most respected names in the genre, AUTOPSY formed in 1987 in San Francisco, and released four albums on Peaceville Records - beginning with the classic debut 'Severed Survival' in 1989 - before disbanding in 1995 with members going on to form Abscess.
AUTOPSY triumphantly and officially returned from the grave after a 15-year hiatus with the 2010 EP, ‘The Tomb Within,’ delighting critics and fans alike. The band then released its fifth full length, and first since 1995, 'Macabre Eternal', in 2011.
Stay tuned for more info on AUTOPSY and 'Born Undead'.
Chris Reifert: Drums/vocals
Danny Coralles: Guitar
Eric Cutler: Guitar
Joe Trevisano: Bass
Related links:
Autopsy's Official Site
Autopsy on Facebook
Autopsy on Peaceville Records
Peaceville Records
born undead,
death metal,
heavy music,
horns up rocks,
new video trailer,
peaceville records
Brazilian Thrashers MACHINAGE To Perform This Weekend In Coney Island, NY Right Near The Beach; A Slew Of NY Metal Bands To Join Them!
In an unprecedented move in the tri-state area music scene, we are bringing you 3 underground MeTal shows in 3 borough's (Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens) on 1 weekend with over 15 bands! Here is what we have cooked to perfection for your ear buds to indulge in!
This Saturday, June 16th, we are teaming up with Tattoo Shot Lounge (home of Coney Island Ink) and bringing you one of Brazil's finest musical exports to one of America's finest playgrounds. We are talking about Thrash Metallers MACHINAGE. Three words can clearly define the band was founded in 2007, in Jundiaí-SP, Brazil by Fábio Delibo (vocals & guitars) and Fernando Kump (guitar).
The band’s proposal has always been to believe in its identity, getting away from any label and writing songs in which mix the Thrash Metal from the 80s together with nowadays technique, besides an aggressive and odd vocal melody.
Machinage has shared the stage with important bands of the world scenario like Overkill, Sepultura, Nuclear Assault Dismember, Tim Ripper Owens, André Matos, Angra, Almah, Torture Squad, and Korzus confirming to be one of the greatest promises.
Joining them on Saturday will be:
- IKILLYA is the ferocity that follows the moment of clarity created by the proverbial straw that broke the camel’s back. The human strength of will has been shown to be capable of achieving the impossible, and never is it more focused than when we are pushed to our absolute limit. Creating music has been our primary goal as long as we’ve had the cogitative ability to have a primary goal and all too often it is in direct opposition to the realities of everyday life.
- WRENCH was originally formed in the early 90's, founding members John Musto (Guitar)and Case (Bass) searched for a NEW sound in Heavy Music. John put down his guitar and picked up a bass and attempted to create the heaviest sound imaginable and he succeeded. The two-bass player Wrench was formed. Shortly after the writing process began, John and Case recruited drummer Mike Palmeri, who had just parted ways with LIFE OF AGONY after signing with them to Roadrunner Records. The trio went through a couple of singers until the band's breakup in early '95. Along the way, energetic and powerful live shows with TYPE O NEGATIVE, GWAR, OVERKILL, BIOHAZARD, VISION OF DISORDER, and countless others, made Wrench a band no one would ever forget.The band recently recorded the band's first demo in 15 years with Joey Z. at his Method of Groove Studio in Brooklyn.
- GAS is too disturbing to watch... too compelling to turn away. They Have An Incredible lineup and a Killer Sound. Blaze Valentine Is On Drums, GuGi Is On Lead Guitar & Choco ONE Don Loco Of Needles From The Creek & Tribal Red, Is On Bass. GAS is an acronym. It stands for Getting All Stupid. GAS was formed when the late 80's band Excretions declined to play live shows despite over 19 full length albums so infectious frontman Jonny Kook decided to take his madness to the next level. The Original GAS, Jon Kook, Mike Anderson, Bones, & Anthony "Pez" did A 37 State Tour In 2 Months. Jon Kook Was introduced by the legendary shock jock, the king of all media Howard Stern, at Jones Beach Theatre as the MC for the Ivy Supersonic Fashion Show which was part of the Dysfunctional Family Picnic Event where Green Day headlined. GAS was hand picked to play The Black Sabbath/ Motorhead After Show Party as the musicians favorite and provided the entertainment for the party.
- ADDICTED TO PAIN pays tribute to ‘80s era first-wave of Thrash Metal. Albany, New York’s Addicted to Pain appeals to a wide variety of Heavy Metal connoisseurs. Comprised of Leo Curley (vocals & guitar), Bob Horvath (bass), and Gregory Nash (drums), the group released their first-ever self-titled EP in 2010. Working with acclaimed producer Alex Perialas (who has worked on landmark Thrash Metal releases by Anthrax, S.O.D., and Testament, among others), the EP is sure to catch the attention of any Metalhead.
- JULIUS SEIZURE is a force to be reckoned with in the tri state area Heavy Music scene and beyond! After releasing their debut EP on May 15th, 2012, the band is bringing their "Gladia-tour" this Saturday to Coney Island. Be there!
- DEATHALIZER start right were Metallica and Pantera left off, mixing the best elements of Groove and Thrash Metal into an elegant and melodic Speed Metal experience. Like their predecessors, this band is meant to be experienced live and pride themselves on putting an all out show. “We see a lot of bands that are too worried about their hardcore image” says frontman Enmanuel Vanderlinder. “That’s fine by us, but we prefer to let the music do the talking. We want you to feel the guitars in your face, the drums in your guts and the bass in your nuts. We are confident that we will succeed at that.”
Spread the word and we hope to see YOU this Saturday at Tattoo Shot Lounge in Coney Island, New York! \m/ RSVP here!
addicted to pain,
brazilian metal,
coney island,
heavy music,
horns up rocks,
Jo Schuftan,
julius seizure,
New York,
Thrash Metal,
METALLICA Joins The FBI In Search Of The Killer Of A Virginia Tech Student - Video PSA By James Hetfield Available!
Metallica has recorded a public service video as part of a law enforcement publicity blitz to try to catch a man wanted in the death of a Virginia Tech student who disappeared after leaving one of the heavy metal band's concerts.
Composite sketches of the suspect will be featured at bus shelters and on digital billboards up and down the East Coast, and a video on the Internet from lead singer James Hetfield urges people to come forward with tips and to contact police if they think they recognize the man. The FBI and Virginia State Police announced the campaign on Wednesday.
"Remember, any information — no matter how small you might think it is — could be that crucial piece investigators need to help solve the case," Hetfield says in the video, which appears on YouTube and an FBI website dedicated to the case.
Morgan Harrington, a 20-year-old aspiring teacher and Virginia Tech student, disappeared while attending an October 2009 concert in Charlottesville, Va. Her skeletal remains were discovered about three months later in a remote hay field about 10 miles from the concert venue.
Police have said Harrington became separated from friends after she left the concert early and was denied re-entry to the arena. She was last seen hitchhiking that night. Her T-shirt was found outside an apartment building near the Charlottesville auditorium, but a camera and a crystal necklace she had with her were missing.
The FBI says the suspect has also been linked through DNA to a September 2005 sexual assault in Fairfax City, Va., where a woman walking home from a grocery story reported being grabbed from behind, dragged behind a maintenance shed and attacked. Authorities this month released an enhanced composite sketch based on a description from the sexual assault victim.
This undated handout artist rendering provided by the FBI
shows an unknown suspect in the 2009 death of Virginia Tech student
Morgan Harrington, who went missing after attending a Metallica concert
at the University of Virginia in Charlottesville. The band Metallica is
participating in a publicity campaign aimed at catching a man wanted in
the death of a Virginia Tech student who disappeared after one of their
concerts. (AP Photo/FBI)
"We don't know who he is so we don't know where he is," said Virginia State Police spokeswoman Corinne Geller.
Harrington's mother, Gil Harrington, said she and her husband, Dan, are hopeful the new publicity effort will lead to an arrest.
"Our big motivation now is to catch this man and help save the next girl because he is a predator at the top of his game," Gil Harrington said, adding, "I have urgency as time goes on as to where he's going to strike next."
The Jefferson Area Crime Stoppers is offering $100,000 for any information leading to an arrest, and Metallica has put up a $50,000 reward.
Gil Harrington said it was an "abomination" to suffer through the murder of a child, and that the band has been supportive from the outset.
"The band reacted to that right away. It was a matter of days before James Hetfield was on the phone to Dan saying, 'As a father, I am outraged,'" she said.
The FBI campaign, which also includes podcasts, social media outreach and an online photo gallery, is similar to ones that have led to the arrests of former Boston mob boss James "Whitey" Bulger, and of Aaron Thomas, who is suspected in a series of sexual assaults along the East Coast.
In other METALLICA news, the band is geared up for their upcoming performance at Orion Music + More on June 23rd and 24th (get your tickets here).
In a historical twist of events, METALLICA will be performing six back-to-back shows in Mexico City show after their five previous shows sold out in a matter of minutes! Heavy Metal's biggest band, will be performing at the Sports Palace in Mexico City on August 1, 2, 4, 6, 7, and 9. Additionally, the band will be unveiling their NEW stage: a 140x50-foot stage that features colossal components and striking visual elements spanning Metallica's 30-year career.
Related links:
Metallica's Official Site
heavy music,
horns up rocks,
James Hetfield,
morgan harrington,
orion music and more,
rock in rio,
virginia tech student
Wednesday, June 13, 2012
VAN HALEN Update About Rescheduled Tour Dates & Upcoming Show In Asia!
As previously reported, VAN HALEN have postponed 31 dates on their
2012 North American tour. The postponed shows were to run from July 7
in Uncasville, CT through Sept. 25 in Milwaukee, WI. A list of upcoming tour dates can be seen below.
In a revealing NEW interview with USA Today, Edward and Wolfgang Van Halen had a lot to say. Here is an excerpt of what Marco R. della Cava (USA TODAY) compiled together for the Van Halen fans:
Edward and Wolfgang Van Halen. The names sound like owners of the old Dutch East India shipping company, or perhaps a couple of guys looking to put a stake through Dracula’s heart.
Eddie Van Halen, right, says about his son, Wolfgang, left, “He’s 21 years old, he doesn’t smoke, he doesn’t drink, he doesn’t do drugs. What more could I ask for?” The father and son pair talk to USA TODAY about touring together.
So let’s go with what friends call them: Ed and Wolf. Guitar revolutionary and musical disciple. Father and son.
“Look at him,” says Dutch-born Ed, 57, staring straight into the slightly embarrassed eyes of an all-American Wolf. “He’s 21 years old, he doesn’t smoke, he doesn’t drink, he doesn’t do drugs. What more could I ask for? He’s never done a (expletive) thing wrong.
Wolf smiles shyly and returns the compliment when the two are asked about their musical heroes. Ed cites Eric Clapton. “For me, my inspiration was obviously … you,” Wolf says.
In a rare joint interview with USA TODAY, the two Van Halens recently took time between dates on the band’s “A Different Kind of Truth” tour to discuss their relationship in and out of music.
But the news of the moment is about that very tour being cut short after a New Orleans date on June 26.
So what gives? Ed is direct.
“We bit off more than we could chew,” he says. “This record took a lot out of us. And we went on tour earlier than we wanted to so we could play Madison Square Garden (in March, before a renovation), and that threw the schedule out of whack.”
The band will have completed more than 40 shows on this leg, and “a lot of the canceled dates were in cities we already played,” he says. “So in November we’ll hit Japan, and in the new year we’ll possibly do something special, but I can’t talk about it.”
But he will talk about singer David Lee Roth. Contrary to what has been reported, he says there’s no tour-nuking feud. “Dave’s the same as he’s always been, funny, witty,” Ed says. Then he laughs. “Sometimes I can only take that in small doses, because he just goes on and on.”
Wolfgang jumps in: “He’s like the Energizer Bunny— wind it up and see what happens.”
“But Dave always lands on his feet,” Ed says.
Click here to read the rest of the interview!
In a revealing NEW interview with USA Today, Edward and Wolfgang Van Halen had a lot to say. Here is an excerpt of what Marco R. della Cava (USA TODAY) compiled together for the Van Halen fans:
Edward and Wolfgang Van Halen. The names sound like owners of the old Dutch East India shipping company, or perhaps a couple of guys looking to put a stake through Dracula’s heart.
Eddie Van Halen, right, says about his son, Wolfgang, left, “He’s 21 years old, he doesn’t smoke, he doesn’t drink, he doesn’t do drugs. What more could I ask for?” The father and son pair talk to USA TODAY about touring together.
So let’s go with what friends call them: Ed and Wolf. Guitar revolutionary and musical disciple. Father and son.
“Look at him,” says Dutch-born Ed, 57, staring straight into the slightly embarrassed eyes of an all-American Wolf. “He’s 21 years old, he doesn’t smoke, he doesn’t drink, he doesn’t do drugs. What more could I ask for? He’s never done a (expletive) thing wrong.
Wolf smiles shyly and returns the compliment when the two are asked about their musical heroes. Ed cites Eric Clapton. “For me, my inspiration was obviously … you,” Wolf says.
In a rare joint interview with USA TODAY, the two Van Halens recently took time between dates on the band’s “A Different Kind of Truth” tour to discuss their relationship in and out of music.
But the news of the moment is about that very tour being cut short after a New Orleans date on June 26.
So what gives? Ed is direct.
“We bit off more than we could chew,” he says. “This record took a lot out of us. And we went on tour earlier than we wanted to so we could play Madison Square Garden (in March, before a renovation), and that threw the schedule out of whack.”
The band will have completed more than 40 shows on this leg, and “a lot of the canceled dates were in cities we already played,” he says. “So in November we’ll hit Japan, and in the new year we’ll possibly do something special, but I can’t talk about it.”
But he will talk about singer David Lee Roth. Contrary to what has been reported, he says there’s no tour-nuking feud. “Dave’s the same as he’s always been, funny, witty,” Ed says. Then he laughs. “Sometimes I can only take that in small doses, because he just goes on and on.”
Wolfgang jumps in: “He’s like the Energizer Bunny— wind it up and see what happens.”
“But Dave always lands on his feet,” Ed says.
Click here to read the rest of the interview!
Van Halen quotables:
Moment of musical truth: Eddie Van Halen says when
son Wolf was 10, “he was in the studio with us and I asked him to play a
little bass. He goes ‘boom, ba-da boom, boom,’ and I go ‘You’re
groovin’ great.’ He goes, ‘Really?’ Never been weird since.”
Father knows best: “As a kid, Wolf walked behind me, not in front,” says Ed. “So one day he was with his mom and I snatched him up from behind and ran. He cried, but I said, ‘Wolf, in two seconds you could be taken from me.’ He never did it again.”
Shared nightmare: “We got stuck on an amusement park ride recently,” Wolf says with a sigh. “Outdoor stuff I love, but this was dark and we’re strapped in,” Ed says. It only lasted five minutes, but Wolf says they were “in panic mode, it was awful.”
Guitar heroes’ heroes: So, who do Ed and Wolf Van Halen crank when they’re rocking out at home? “AC/DC,” says Wolf. “That’s our band.” Adds Ed: “It’s simple stuff, three chords, but so great. (Guitarist) Malcolm (Young) is the riff master.”
The band has 6 upcoming shows which will go on as scheduled:
- 6/14: San Diego, Calif – Viejas Arena
- 6/16: Phoenix, Ariz., US Airways Center
- 6/20: Dallas, Texas, American Airlines Center
- 6/22: San Antonio, Texas, AT&T Center
- 6/24: Houston, Texas, Toyota Center
- 6/26: New Orleans, La., New Orleans Arena
The postponed dates:
- 7/7: Uncasville, Ct., Mohegan Sun Arena
- 7/9: Hampton, Va., Hampton Coliseum
- 7/11: Philadelphia, Pa., Wells Fargo Center
- 7/13: East Rutherford, N.J., Izod Center
- 7/15: Baltimore, Md., 1st Mariner Arena
- 7/17: Rochester N.Y., Blue Cross Arena
- 7/19: Detroit, Mich., Joe Louis Arena
- 7/21: London, Ontario, John Labatt Centre
- 7/24: Toledo, Ohio, Huntington Center
- 7/26: Grand Rapids, Mich., Van Andel Arena
- 7/28: Cleveland, Ohio, Quicken Loans Arena
- 7/31: Fort Wayne, Ind., Allen County Memorial Coliseum
- 8/2: Columbus, Ohio, Schottenstein Center
- 8/4: Knoxville, Tenn., Thompson-Boiling Arena
- 8/6: Memphis, Tenn., FedEx Forum
- 8/8: Birmingham, Ala., BJCC Arena
- 8/10: Greenville, S.C., BI-LO Center
- 8/12: Cincinnati, Ohio, US Bank Arena
- 8/21: Spokane, Wash., Spokane Arena
- 8/23: Portland, Ore., Rose Garden
- 8/25: Sacramento, Calif.,Power Balance Pavilion
- 8/28: Fresno, Calif., Save Mart Center
- 8/30: Reno, Nev., Reno Events Center
- 9/4: Salt Lake City, Utah — EnergySolutions Arena
- 9/8: Albuquerque, N.M., Tingley Coliseum
- 9/11: El Paso, Texas, Don Haskins Center
- 9/13: Austin, Texas, Frank Erwin Center
- 9/15: Oklahoma City, Okla., Chesapeake Energy Arena
- 9/17: Wichita, Kan. – Intrust Bank Arena
- 9/21: Moline, Ill., Iwireless Center
- 9/25: Milwaukee, Wis., Bradley Center
Related links:
VAN HALEN's Official Site
Father knows best: “As a kid, Wolf walked behind me, not in front,” says Ed. “So one day he was with his mom and I snatched him up from behind and ran. He cried, but I said, ‘Wolf, in two seconds you could be taken from me.’ He never did it again.”
Shared nightmare: “We got stuck on an amusement park ride recently,” Wolf says with a sigh. “Outdoor stuff I love, but this was dark and we’re strapped in,” Ed says. It only lasted five minutes, but Wolf says they were “in panic mode, it was awful.”
Guitar heroes’ heroes: So, who do Ed and Wolf Van Halen crank when they’re rocking out at home? “AC/DC,” says Wolf. “That’s our band.” Adds Ed: “It’s simple stuff, three chords, but so great. (Guitarist) Malcolm (Young) is the riff master.”
The band has 6 upcoming shows which will go on as scheduled:
- 6/14: San Diego, Calif – Viejas Arena
- 6/16: Phoenix, Ariz., US Airways Center
- 6/20: Dallas, Texas, American Airlines Center
- 6/22: San Antonio, Texas, AT&T Center
- 6/24: Houston, Texas, Toyota Center
- 6/26: New Orleans, La., New Orleans Arena
The postponed dates:
- 7/7: Uncasville, Ct., Mohegan Sun Arena
- 7/9: Hampton, Va., Hampton Coliseum
- 7/11: Philadelphia, Pa., Wells Fargo Center
- 7/13: East Rutherford, N.J., Izod Center
- 7/15: Baltimore, Md., 1st Mariner Arena
- 7/17: Rochester N.Y., Blue Cross Arena
- 7/19: Detroit, Mich., Joe Louis Arena
- 7/21: London, Ontario, John Labatt Centre
- 7/24: Toledo, Ohio, Huntington Center
- 7/26: Grand Rapids, Mich., Van Andel Arena
- 7/28: Cleveland, Ohio, Quicken Loans Arena
- 7/31: Fort Wayne, Ind., Allen County Memorial Coliseum
- 8/2: Columbus, Ohio, Schottenstein Center
- 8/4: Knoxville, Tenn., Thompson-Boiling Arena
- 8/6: Memphis, Tenn., FedEx Forum
- 8/8: Birmingham, Ala., BJCC Arena
- 8/10: Greenville, S.C., BI-LO Center
- 8/12: Cincinnati, Ohio, US Bank Arena
- 8/21: Spokane, Wash., Spokane Arena
- 8/23: Portland, Ore., Rose Garden
- 8/25: Sacramento, Calif.,Power Balance Pavilion
- 8/28: Fresno, Calif., Save Mart Center
- 8/30: Reno, Nev., Reno Events Center
- 9/4: Salt Lake City, Utah — EnergySolutions Arena
- 9/8: Albuquerque, N.M., Tingley Coliseum
- 9/11: El Paso, Texas, Don Haskins Center
- 9/13: Austin, Texas, Frank Erwin Center
- 9/15: Oklahoma City, Okla., Chesapeake Energy Arena
- 9/17: Wichita, Kan. – Intrust Bank Arena
- 9/21: Moline, Ill., Iwireless Center
- 9/25: Milwaukee, Wis., Bradley Center
Related links:
VAN HALEN's Official Site
alex van halen,
asian tour,
break up,
david lee roth statment,
eddie van halen,
horns up rocks,
kool and the gang summer tour,
tour postponed,
usa today,
van halen,
Wolfgang Van Halen
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