Here at Horns Up Rocks we've been very lucky to be at the right place, at the right time. As a matter of fact, the majority of our content was gathered with a simple formula: connect with the artist, be honest with the artist, and never script the interviews. This is a skill we learned from the "Voice of Metal": Jose Mangin from Sirius XM Liquid Metal and MTV's Headbangers Ball!
And who better then Jose to tell you about the most important moments in Heavy Metal in 2010, the most important albums, the Most Valuable Players, and even some pretty cool behind the scene moments!
With this video, which will be our last one for 2010, we want to wish you all an amazing 2011 and remember to keep the Horns WAY Up! Be safe, because we need every single one of you in the Army of Chaos! And remember: If it's getting too loud, you are getting too old!
Special thanks to Jose Mangin for his endless support and for keeping Heavy Music stronger than all for over 10 years! \m/
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